This is the "new" Bella! Still crazy, but with shorter hair. Two years ago, I thinned her hair at the scalp with dollar store thinning shears! Well it was perfect for about 6 months, then the hair grew back (who would have known that would happen)! Well since that time she has had an invisible helmet under all of her other hair. So, after fighting this helmet for almost 2 years, I asked her if she minded if we cut her long hair to the point where the new growth was at. Well, to my surprise she wanted to get it cut and go short. I took her to a nice salon and we decided on a bob. She absolutely loves it (because she can wear it down everyday) and I must say it is so easy to take care of. I would like her to grow it back out, but she says she is a short hair girl now! I will post our Halloween pictures (the day before the cut) so you can see just how long it had gotten. Well, more later!
Still waiting!
14 years ago
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