After a whole day of traveling (always exhausting) we have made it! The weather here is surprisingly mild, about 45-50, so we are pleased! Trey got sick on the way over and is still not 100%! His fever has gone away, but his throat is sore and he is having "dips". The only saving grace is doctors will come to you over here is Brussels and the standard of care is classified as high! So if he is not better tomorrow, I might have to make that call! So please keep him in your prayers so he can get out and enjoy Brussels!
As many of you know, Hamartrya is pretty good with his French, he is also good with his social skills! So as you can imagine, he was super excited to start his first french conversation in Brussels. Well, he picked the wrong person (our cab driver!!:) Don't get me wrong, the man was extremely nice, but he had to make eye contact with Hamartrya during any and all dialog. Yes, even while he was driving. Of course Hamartrya is oblivious to the fact that we almost ended up in two ditches, side swiped 3 cars and took out a guard rail, but we made it to the apartment safely and my heart rate has just returned to normal! Once we arrived at the apartment, we cleaned up and took a brief nap before attempting to venture out in Brussels. Trey thought he was better, but we (Trey, Bella and I) ended up coming right back. Hamartrya saved the day by finding a grocery store and getting us much needed food and drink. We have spent the rest of the night playing games and watching French t.v. - very interesting. Tomorrow we are going to try to go to the Christmas market and ice skate and visit the huge "atom" in the center of town. That is all for now, until tomorrow.....
Still waiting!
14 years ago
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